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Best Ways to Recognize Your Boss on National Boss Day

It can be very important to give your boss the recognition they deserve when National Boss Day rolls around, as showing your appreciation can go a long way in improving your work relationships and boosting company morale.

According to National, National Boss Day was first created by Patrica Bays Haroski in 1958 to honor her boss, who also happened to be her father. This unique national holiday is celebrated on the sixteenth of October, or the next nearest workday, and was created to give much needed praise for the difficult work that bosses regularly complete to ensure a business runs efficiently.

While recognizing your boss on National Boss Day can be a fun and rewarding opportunity, you may also find it difficult to know where to start. We will provide you with many helpful tips to ensure that your boss is properly celebrated on this special holiday.

Important Things To Consider

  1. Personality –  All individuals are unique, and your boss is no exception. Be sure to try and understand your boss as best you can before giving them recognition on National Boss Day so that you can cater your gift accordingly. If your boss seems to be more introverted or dislikes public displays, perhaps a card given in private would be better than a large celebratory gathering. Also, keep in mind your boss’s personal interests and passions, and consider giving them a gift that caters to their favorite hobbies and leisure activities.
  1. Consider the Larger Work Group – While it can be rewarding to recognize your boss on National Boss Day if you provide too lavish of a gift as an individual, others may feel left out or think you are looking for special treatment. In order to prevent jealousy and ensure that everyone feels equally included, set reasonable price limits for your gifts or act together as a group to buy one expensive item in tandem.
  1. Get creative – Simple gifts can sometimes be best, but thinking outside of the box can be an excellent and unique way of providing your boss with praise. Consider options like creating a video, nominating your boss for an award, or organizing a special experience like a catered lunch to provide your boss with a memorable and enjoyable payoff for all of their efforts.

Getting Ready to Celebrate

Hopefully, the suggestions provided above can give you a sound foundation to build upon and will make you successful when attempting to recognize your boss on National Boss Day. Tailoring your gift to your boss’s unique personality will be sure to leave your boss impressed with your efforts.

Be sure to consider your co-workers when providing gifts to your boss in order to ensure that everyone feels included and can agree upon a set price to ensure the gifts presented are appropriate.

Also consider more creative options such as:

  1. A social gathering outside of work
  2. A group video
  3. A surprise party

For further specific gift ideas and thoughtful examples, read this article by Ooma, where you can learn even more great tips for giving your boss the praise they have earned.

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