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How to Multi Task Effectively – The Power of Being Effective at Multiple Tasking

It is a well known fact that we are a society of multi taskers, people who have various tasks that they need to complete in a given time frame, and if you are not one of them, then how do you manage your time effectively? One of the best ways to manage your time is through effective planning. I will now share with you some of my most valuable tips on how to manage your time more efficiently: * First and foremost, know your priorities; what do you want to accomplish in a given time frame and stick to it! * Write down your goals and prioritize them as you go along; prioritizing means focusing on the most important goals first.

* Learn to say no: Do you need to use a product, service, or something else? Say yes or no depending on whether it will help your goals in the long run or not. It is also important to say no to people and things that do not contribute to your success. By saying no to things that are not contributing to your success, you will be able to improve your overall productivity and efficiency by a large notch. Many top blue collar entrepreneurs, writers, etc. learn this skill very early in their careers.

* Be a giver rather than a taker: This is probably the most important skill of all the topics I will discuss. Most of us love to take things and give them to others, but most of us don’t love to give them. This topic is directly related to the previous topic I spoke about, and that is focusing on your own needs and wants. If you are asking yourself or someone else how to be a giver, then you have taken steps to become more efficient. Most top blue-collar workers practice this and it pays dividends for them because they are generally happier and less stressed.

* Learn and master a skill: There are many ways to be a giver, but not all of them can be applied in a day. The best way to master giver skills is to immerse yourself in a situation where you have a responsibility to help another person with something. This situation can range from giving advice to a friend or family member to helping a co-worker resolve a dilemma. Mastering this skill will take some time and persistence, but is definitely worth the investment.

* Create your own rituals: Another topic that comes up a lot is the art of “killing two birds with one stone”. I think this is referring to having multiple streams of income by dividing your time into various tasks that bring in varying income. For example, if you are a writer, you could divide your time into writing articles for the various websites or blogs that need them and dividing them into writing short reports, blogging, and emailing prospects.

The key here is to do one thing well. You cannot say that you will be a successful giver or taker if you divide your skills into multiple task. This will simply mean that you will never have any long term growth because you will be overwhelmed with how to use your time. So, concentrate on mastering one skill at a time and you will be a much more effective giver and taker. Good Luck!

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