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How to Join the Circular Economy as a Business

For too long, the world has been more than happy to see tremendous volumes of waste filling landfills and polluting our seas. Inefficient processes for the environment have been preferred if they deliver more to businesses’ bottom lines. And environmental harm has been low on the agenda, as firms compete for profit and not to be eco-friendly. With all that changing, there’s more of an incentive to join the circular economy – defined as recycling your waste products with other businesses or processes. Here’s how your business can achieve that.


Those firms that produce their own electricity – usually through solar power or by installing a wind turbine on their land – can sell it back to the grid. This is a wonderful example of the circular economy, helping you to plug into the system that supplies homes and businesses with electricity, and to give something back rather than taking from it. If you don’t already produce renewable power, this is the time to invest in it – seeing as it’s growing cheaper by the year, leaving businesses with far better prospects of seeing a return on their investment in panels or turbines in the coming months and years.


Recycling is another clear example of the circular economy – it’s even in the name. Because plenty of waste across many businesses is recyclable, like cardboard and plastic, there’s huge scope to join the circular economy in this regard. All you’ll need to do is make a recycling system in your firm, and partner with a cardboard processing company to ship it all to. Use cardboard balers, and baling wire secured from, to create manageable cubes for these firms to transport to facilities that process your cardboard waste into something useful for other companies.


Millions of firms are involved in the food trade, and that trade involves a huge volume of waste. That’s part and parcel of an industry that’s processing hundreds of tons of food per week, though everything should be done to reduce that waste where possible. Still, let’s say you’re processing fruit and vegetable to take to market, and there’s a certain percentage that goes to waste in that process. If you can gather that waste into containers to send on to industrial composting agents, that waste will head right back to the soil where the fruit and vegetables were first grown – making for a wonderful cyclical movement of goods.


Other than these three key areas, which many of the world’s businesses can join, your specific industry may be able to play a part in a unique and unusual part of the crucial economy. To learn more about this new form of doing business and saving the planet, you can find plenty of tips and tricks online, or you can attend conferences – virtually or otherwise – that’ll help school you up on the processes you can follow in order to be a business in the circular economy.

Make your firm special and future-facing with these tips outlined above, designed for those interested in joining the circular economy in 2022.

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